Nicole Flinterman

Mindfulnesstrainer (MBSR, Individuele Mindfulness trainer (IMBCT) en Zelfcompassie trainer (MSC))
Prins van Wiedlaan 6
2242 CD Wassenaar
Lidmaatschap categorie: 1
overige werkvelden, individuele trainingen, arbeid en gezondheid, groepen met open inschrijving, AGZ
Change has been a part of my life ever since I left The Netherlands in my early twenties to move abroad out of curiosity to learn another language. Many more journeys followed, during which I immersed myself in different languages and cultures. These adventures have enriched my life enormously and provided me with valuable learning experiences. Along the way, they also confronted me with numerous challenges.
I have always been curious about human resilience. After working in the IT industry until 2000, I decided on a career change and earned a master′s degree in Clinical Psychology. From there my curiosity stirred towards human vitality and our ability to change, learn, heal and deeply enjoy life.
Mindfulness came across my path and I became intrigued by the mind-body connection. Mindfulness turned out to be a life changing way in dealing with the changes in my life and the challenges I encountered. I decided to become a qualified Mindfulness instructor through the Center for Mindfulness at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. This is where Jon Kabat-Zinn created the research-based method of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction program (MBSR).
For the last decade, I have lived in Portland, Oregon, where I have had the pleasure to teach MBSR and other mindfulness programs in a variety of settings. Recently, I have moved back to my native country and I am looking forward to teaching MBSR in English in the region of Den Haag, Wassenaar and Leiden.
Are changes such as moving, relocating or adjusting to new cultures or work environments a major part of your life? Or have you experienced changes in your physical health or other transitions for your family or children? Do you wish to move through these changes with a sense of balance and ease?
My passion is to share Mindfulness and to explore in a playful manner what Mindfulness can bring to your personal journey!